Usage of Dallmeier logos and trademarks

Use of Dallmeier trademarks by third parties

Business partners of Dallmeier as well as media (newspapers, trade journals, etc.) may use Dallmeier trademarks (overview), for example to illustrate the compatibility with products or applications, to indicate a cooperation or to guide the reader, provided that the aforementioned guidelines are adhered to. 

1) Correct spelling
In principle, it should be worked towards ensuring the correct spelling and display of trademarks when they are used. A shortened or modified depiction requires a permission by Dallmeier electronic. The use of variations that may lead to ambiguity errors is not permissible. 

2) Designation of Dallmeier trademarks
Where they are most distinctly marked, Dallmeier trademarks must be designated by the registered sign ®. This applies to products, packaging, manuals, advertisements, promotional material, online presences as well as headlines and such. Thereby it is sufficient to insert the registered sign ® in continuous texts or the main text at the point where the Dallmeier trademark is first mentioned. The indication of proprietary rights must adhere to the following structure:

“[Name of the trademark(s)] is/are (a) trademark(s) or registered trademark(s) of Dallmeier electronic". 

The ® sign as well as the addendum indication of proprietary rights need to be positioned so that the reader can easily and effortlessly take notice of them. 

3) Distinction between Dallmeier trademarks and products of the partner
When using Dallmeier product names in order to illustrate product compatibility, a clear distinction must be made between the products and services of the partner and the products and services of Dallmeier electronic.

Examples of correct indications:
[Name of third-party product] for use with recorders by Dallmeier electronic. 
[Name of third-party product] compatible with recording devices by Dallmeier electronic. 

If, instead of the company name, product names which have been registered by Dallmeier electronic are used, a registered sign ® as well as an indication of the proprietary rights must be inserted after the designation.

4) Incorporation of Dallmeier trademarks into names of products
The incorporation of Dallmeier trademarks or the company name into the names of products or domains or into an external company's name is only permissible if a written authorisation by Dallmeier has been obtained. 

5) Correct style
In the case that the business partner wants to use trademarks by Dallmeier electronic in headlines or on packaging in order to indicate the compatibility of its products, the style of the depiction must be such that there is no danger of ambiguity errors. Also, the phrasing must not give reason to assume that a connection with Dallmeier electronic exists. This applies to packaging labels as well as marketing materials and other publications. In those cases the company name of the business partner must be more distinctly highlighted than the trademarks by Dallmeier electronic with regard to all materials, products, packaging, advertisements, online presences and other promotional material.

Own trademarks

Trademarks registered by Dallmeier electronic

The following list includes trademarks registered by Dallmeier electronic.

If a trademark is not included in the overview, it is no indication that the respective trade mark is not protected. The unlawful use of a trademark may constitute existing protective rights.

Dallmeier Logo D
Dallmeier Logo ohne D
Dallmeier Logo electronic
Dallmeier Logo CAT
Dallmeier Comics Dally + Dallina
Dallmeier Teddys Dally + Dallina
Dallmeier Logo Domera
Dallmeier Logo Hemisphere
Dallmeier Logo Mountera
Dallmeier Logo Panomera
Dallmeier Logo Sedor
Dallmeier Logo SeMSy


Trademarks and registered trademarks

The following list includes company trade marks as well as registered company trademarks which Dallmeier electronic uses in accompanying print materials and on websites in order to guide the reader or to point out any compatibility with products by Dallmeier or refer to corresponding products and services of the company.

In using those names Dallmeier does not intend in any way to convey the impression that Dallmeier has any trade mark rights whatsoever or that any special business relationship exists.

If a trade mark is not included in the overview, it is no indication that the respective trade mark is not protected. The unlawful use of a trade mark may constitute existing protective rights.

TrademarkSecured by company
ActiveX is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Microsoft Corporation headquartered in  Redmond, Washington, USA.
Adobe is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Adobe Systems Incorporated headquartered in San Jose, California, USA.
Adobe Reader is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Adobe Systems Incorporated headquartered in San Jose, California, USA.
Apple is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Apple Inc. headquartered in Cupertino, California, USA.
AutoCAD is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Autodesk Inc headquartered in San Rafael, California, USA.
CAR-READER is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Schmitz GmbH headquartered in Regensburg, Germany.
DHC-Imaging is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Extreme CCTV Inc. headquartered in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.
Digital Pixel System is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Pixim, Inc. headquartered in Mountain View, California, USA.
DirectX is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Microsoft Corporation headquartered in Redmond, Washington, USA.
Docker is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Docker Inc. headquartered in San Francisco, California, USA.
DPS is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Pixim, Inc. headquartered in Mountain View, California, USA.
EXview HAD CCD is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Sony Corporation headquartered in Shinagawa, Tokio, Japan.
Firefox is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Mozilla Foundation headquartered in Mountain View, California, USA.
Flash is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Adobe Systems Incorporated headquartered in San Jose, California, USA.
Genetec is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Genetec Inc., headquartered in Montréal, Québec, Canada.
Google is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Google Inc. headquartered in Mountain View, California, USA.
Google Chrome is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Google Inc. headquartered in Mountain View, California, USA.
Guinness World Records is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Guinness World Records Limited headquartered in London, Great Britain.
HDMI is a trademark or registered trademark of the company HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. (HDMI LA) headquartered in San José, California, USA.
IBM is a trademark or registered trademark of the company International Business Machines Corporation headquartered in Armonk, New York, USA.
Internet Explorer is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Microsoft Corporation headquartered in Redmond, Washington, USA.
JavaScript is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Oracle Corporation (and/or its affiliates) headquartered in Redwood Shores, California, USA.
Kubernetes is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Linux Foundation headquartered in San Francisco, California, USA.
Lego is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Lego Group headquartered in Billund, Denmark.
Legoland is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Lego Group headquartered in Billund, Denmark.
Lenel is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Lenel Systems International Inc. headquartered  in Pittsford, New York, USA.
Linux is a trademark or registered trademark of Linus Torvalds (in the USA and other countries).
macOS is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Apple Inc. headquartered in Cupertino, California, USA.
Micros is a trademark or registered trademark of the company MICROS Systems Inc. headquartered in Columbia, Maryland, USA.
Microsoft is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Microsoft Corporation headquartered in Redmond, Washington, USA.
Microsoft Edge is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Microsoft Corporation headquartered in Redmond, Washington, USA.
Mozilla is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Mozilla Foundation headquartered in Mountain View, California, USA.
MySQL is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Sun Microsystems, Inc. headquartered in Santa Clara, California, USA.
OnGuard is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Lenel Systems International Inc. headquartered in Pittsford, New York, USA.
ONVIF is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Onvif, Inc.
Pixim is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Pixim, Inc. headquartered in Mountain View, California, USA.
Safari is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Apple Inc. headquartered in Cupertino, California, USA.
Sony is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Sony Corporation headquartered in Shinagawa, Tokio, Japan.
Super HAD CCD is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Sony Corporation headquartered in Shinagawa, Tokio, Japan.
Unity is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Unity Technologies headquartered in San Francisco, California, USA.
Windows is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Microsoft Corporation headquartered in Redmond, Washington, USA.
Windows Vista is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Microsoft Corporation headquartered in Redmond, Washington, USA.
Xprotect is a trademark or registered trademark of the company Milestone Systems A/S, headquartered in Brøndby, Denmark.